Supporting Smoking Cessation for Oral Health Professionals
The presentation reviews smoking prevalence, the health effects of tobacco (including the effects on oral health) and the health benefits of quitting. Smoking causes physical and psychological addiction; both need to be addressed to ensure a successful quit for your patients. There will be a focus o...
Empathy, Burnout, and Patient Outcomes
Scientific studies provide evidence that patient outcomes are significantly better, healthcare providers are much happier, and costs are lower when the provider has an empathetic connection to the patient. In support of these findings, the MCAT examination was amended in 2015 to find potential docto...
Passive Compliance or Active Adherence
An in-depth look at what is expected to be in compliance with the law, in contrast to elevated professional adherence to principles of infection prevention. You will surely walk away with a practical and useable action plan after this lecture. Updates on media sensations will be included with a spri...
Innovative Technology in Dental Materials
This presentation by Lorenza Lepri reviews past and current materials and how innovations from VOCO have led to new generations and cutting edge products. Bonding techniques and generations of bonds are reviewed, including an overview of the change in acid and self-etching techniques to universal bo...
The CDA’s Role in Producing Quality Diagnostic X-ray Images
This presentation will explain a CDA's role in producing consistent, quality diagnostic X-ray images with a minimum radiation dose, an approach that offers optimal patient protocols. The purpose of this seminar is to introduce the Image Quality and Dose Phantom Protocol IQ(D)P X-ray Method to CDAs o...
All About Modern Endodontics
In this audio course, Dr. Tabatabaei discusses:
- Who is an endodontist?
- What should one expect to see in an endo office?
- Diagnosis and diagnostic tests
- CBCT (3D) imagine in endodontics.
The Science of Periowave and the Role of the CDA
Leanne, a clinical training manager, discusses the history of periowave, a non-invasive dental system that can significantly improve gum treatment outcomes when added to scaling and root planning. We hear about the science of photosensitizers and cold lasers and their use in dentistry and medicine; ...
The Role of Treatment Coordinators
Benita discusses the role of a treatment coordinator, including the benefits to both the practice and the patient, building the patient/practice relationship & new protocols in utilizing the treatment coordinator as a new patient coordinator.
Dispelling Dysplasia
This course will cover the current state of oral cancer in Canada and the current methods of screening and discovery. Wayne will discuss the changing dynamics of patients who are at risk for oral cancer due to the HPV virus, as well as the methods used to discover dysplasia and oral cancer using adj...
Smoking Cessation – Assisting Your Patients
The course includes the importance of addressing smoking and tobacco use with dental patients, oral signs of tobacco use, and possible warning signs of oral cancers
Topics include"
- The importance of incorporating smoking cessation into your patients care practice
- Oral symptoms of tobacco us...
Bio-Integrated Restorative Dentistry
This presentation will also look at occlusion concepts: how teeth come in contact, and the pathways through which they are moving in performing everyday functions like chewing, and how to design our restorations so we can achieve beautiful results but that are functionally tolerated and perfectly in...
Dentist's Role in Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Dentist's Role in Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Treating the Edentulous Arch with Removable Implant Overdentures Jaw Relation Records
This presentation is the second of 4 modules related to treating the fully edentulous patient with removable overdentures. It will focus on the use of a jaw relation recording device (or tracing device) which will give the clinician new accuracy in procurring centric relation. We will also show the...