Excellence in Cast Gold
Learn standard preparation design as well as variation in design for particular circumstances
Learn how to carry out the tooth preparations using both rotary and hand instrumentation
Learn the use of the composite base or build-up in achieving excellent results
Learn the procedures f...
Practical Oral Surgery for the General Dentist: Surgical Extractions
Understand the issues to decide whether they should be performing surgical extractions and impaction surgery.
Be better able to treatment plan surgical extraction cases to reduce wasted surgical time and frustration.
Know which local anesthetic techniques are needed for surgical extra...
Practical Oral Surgery for the General Dentist: Impacted Third Molars
Be able to discuss the controversial issue of elective removal of impacted wisdom teeth.
Understand the issues to decide whether they should be performing impaction surgery.
Be better able to treatment plan surgical impaction cases to reduce wasted surgical time and frustration.
Disinfection and Sterilization: A Primer
This lecture contains a practical, rational and economical approach to instrument processing and sterilization and disinfection in the dental office. The variety of new products and materials available in dentistry increases every day. Rather than a discussion of how each of these should be disinfec...
How to set up and conduct your own OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen program and training.
Describe the basic elements of an OSHA bloodborne pathogen program
Develop and present an office OSHA safety meeting
Describe what forms OSHA requires
Select resources for infection control and safety information
Edentulous Impression Technique
Understand the difference between a functional and mucostatic impression.
Eliminate the two-appointment impression to one appointment with equal or better quality.
Understand why letting the patient mimic their facial movements produces an accurate peripheral role.
Learn what facial ...
Meth Mouth
Methamphetamine (meth) abuse is on the rise and represents a problem that must be dealt with on a national level. Meth has a profound effect on the user’s entire body including the oral cavity. As dental team members, we have an obligation to seek education on the symptoms of methamphetamine use a...
The Virtues of Profitable Dentistry: Part 11
Discover how the simple use of nitrous oxide and televisions mounted in the ceiling can allow you to deliver most of your pediatric dentistry with ease
Learn how your dental office real estate is a powerful diversified investment
Learn the importance of improving your dental office lo...
The Virtues of Profitable Dentistry: Part 10
Learn why if your hygiene department is booked two weeks in advance, you cannot add a new hygiene patient unless a current patient leaves the practice
Learn how to get your hygiene schedule up and running to its full capacity
Learn how local events such as carnivals and parades can bu...
The Virtues of Profitable Dentistry: Part 9
Learn who should be in charge of marketing in your office
Discover the easiest way to determine what your patients really want from your office
Learn why dentists who are not committed to continuing personal development quickly become obsolete, and those who cannot similarly develop t...
Unusual TMD Cases - Unusual Treatment
In this lecture, we will discuss unusual Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) cases and unusual treatments. We will focus specifically on occlusion and how the relationship of the dental arches interacts with the stability of the Stomatognathic system. Occlusion is one of the most demanding aspects of ...
Soft Tissue Esthetics & Health - 10 Key Factors in Soft Tissue Management
There are 10 key criteria that are important in implant therapy to achieve optimal soft tissue outcomes. The criteria are divided into 2 areas. The first area involves the biomaterial elements in therapy, while the second involves procedural issues. The biomaterial elements of implant ...
Hiring and Developing Your Team the Right Way
Do you hire based on whether you like the person you’re interviewing? Re-imagine your hiring methods and discover proven approaches to attracting, interviewing, and hiring the talent you want. You’ll build a strategic plan to attract the new people you need, and to maximize the gifts and talents...