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Incorporating Botox Into Your Dental Practice For Cosmetics.
This is a course in the use of Botulism Toxin in a General Dental Practice and explains how Botox works. As dentists learn not only that there are therapeutic uses for this neuromodulator but also cosmetic enhancements that are directly related to cosmetic dentistry, more dentists will be actively adding this service to their practice.
The Virtues of Profitable Dentistry: Part 6
Learn how to measure treatment plan acceptance
Find out how to determine if adding a laser to your practice would be beneficial
Learn several ways to affordably market a cosmetic dental practice
Learn why staff meetings are less efficient than intra office e-mail accounts for each te...
Soft Tissue Esthetics & Health - 10 Key Factors in Soft Tissue Management
There are 10 key criteria that are important in implant therapy to achieve optimal soft tissue outcomes. The criteria are divided into 2 areas. The first area involves the biomaterial elements in therapy, while the second involves procedural issues. The biomaterial elements of implant ...
Predictable Anterior Aesthetics with Veneers - Interdisciplinary Approach
In todays dentistry success depends on an interdisciplinary team work. Every member of the team (including the specialists, lab technicians and the patient) should be aware of the treatment planning and the end result from the beginning. Every effort should be spent to bring the teeth to their natur...