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Treating Patients with Invisalign: The CDA's Role
Invisalign has become a popular treatment modality in the dental office: patients ask for Invisalign by name and doctors are learning to use it efficiently. It takes a group effort to successfully implement the Invisalign system in any practice, and while the role of the assistant may vary from office to office, this role remains important for the success of the treatment. During this presentation, Dr. Daher will discuss the major tasks entrusted by the assistant and some of the commonly asked questions by patients and how to tackle them. Audio course.
Level 3 Orthodontics - In Office
This 2 day program is offered to dentists who are presently practicing orthodontics. This course will facilitate the incorporation of orthodontics, TMD and sleep dentistry into your general practice. You will work alongside Dr. Rondeau and his staff in London, Ontario where a hands-on approach to le...
The Ultimate Dental Assistant
Learn where to find the ultimate dental assistant
Teach your dental assistant to sell dentistry
Develop an existing dental assistant into the ultimate dental assistant
Understand what all the best dental assistants have in common
What the General Practitioner Can Do To Help Todays Orthodontic Problems
This course covers why we see so much more orthodontic malocclusion, and crowding today then years ago. We will discover some of the causes of why orthodontic malocclusions develop. Covered are the different ways a general practitioner can help these patients with orthodontic malocclusion and the mi...