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Treating Patients with Invisalign: The CDA's Role
Invisalign has become a popular treatment modality in the dental office: patients ask for Invisalign by name and doctors are learning to use it efficiently. It takes a group effort to successfully implement the Invisalign system in any practice, and while the role of the assistant may vary from office to office, this role remains important for the success of the treatment. During this presentation, Dr. Daher will discuss the major tasks entrusted by the assistant and some of the commonly asked questions by patients and how to tackle them. Audio course.
Case Finishing & Mechanics
Dr. Rondeau has now completed Session 1 of the Level II Orthodontics course online. Session 1 will feature 14 cases from start to finish. These cases are exclusive to the online course and not shown in the live courses. This is what to expect from this exceptional session:
Corticotomy-Assisted Orthodontics
Corticotomy-Assisted Orthodontics
Implant Interactions in Orthodontics
Whereas the advent of successful and predictable implant dentistry has had a pronounced impact on the practice of restorative dentistry, the same might not be said for the effect implants have had upon the specialty of Orthodontics. However, this presenter feels strongly that a new era...